
I'm trying to add fossil support to the 'go tool', as it supports other VCSs:

Adding fossil supprt requires lots of changes, due to a lack of similarity with
the other VCS supported. The current code is not flexible enough, and I think
that some of the pieces it requires from the VCS would be nice to have in

Specifically, these things would be much easier if:
1) there were a way to clone+checkout at once into a subdirectory:
  fossil clonedir http://blabla.org/ blabla
  # ^ It creates blabla/, blabla/.repository.fossil, and in it, checks out
  # the .repository.fossil, for example
2) and if there were a way to check if an upstream repository answers
correctly, other than by cloning into a file:
  fossil remoteinfo http://blabla.org/
  # ^ Error if the other side isn't a fossil repository

The point '2' is important because go uses some kind of addresses without the
front protocol: blabla.org/repo for example. And then it uses the required
"command 2" to test different modifiers:  http://, https://, ... Currently I've 
way other than cloning (and this requires creating a file!) to test the future
client sync.

The currently supported VCS have a way to run these commands: bazaar, git,
mercurial, subversion.

Is there any chance that fossil gets into that shape? Even if partially?
Otherwise the 'go' patch just to support fossil will be a so big rework, that
will be much harder to be accepted.

As a note, here is the current vcs handling code:

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