On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 05:00:13PM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Lluís Batlle i Rossell 
> <vi...@viric.name>wrote:
> > 1) there were a way to clone+checkout at once into a subdirectory:
> >   fossil clonedir http://blabla.org/ blabla
> >   # ^ It creates blabla/, blabla/.repository.fossil, and in it, checks out
> >   # the .repository.fossil, for example
> >

> mkdir blabla
> cd blabla
> fossil clone http://blabla.org/ .repo
> fossil open .repo

Sure, I know. But this requires issuing those orders in a shell, and that means
writing per-platform go code, instead of a simple 'universal' exec.Cmd. Because
Windows may have cmd, command, ... Others may have flavours of 'sh', ...

If not using a shell, 'cd' will affect the working directory of the process, or
has to be done after forking, before execing fossil, ...

This is already much more complicated than what has been required until now.

Imagine you have a C program, and no shell. The formula that worked for the
other VCS just doesn't work for fossil.

I will try to do all the new code required for that, but I doubt it will be
accepted easily. And the lack of the command to check an upstream server will
also make my patch look even worse, compared to the code that was there.

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