On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org>wrote:

> ...

> Is there value  in keeping this old method? I  personally don't see any,
> but then I don't  have the background to know why it  was done this way.

If i'm not sorely mistaken, the current approach was done because it was
quick and easy to add. ssh was added relatively late in Fossil's
development (and i've never used it - the CGI interface gives me everything
i need), and almost certainly piggybacked on as much connection-related
code as it could.

> Removing it would simplify the code, but perhaps break unforseen things.
> For now,  I think  it would  be alright to  leave it  in as  the default
> behavior just to  be safe, despite the fact that  it introduces multiple
> code paths.

i would have thought that it leads to fewer code paths (no ssh-specific
server component, for example).

> ...

The changes  are still against version-1.26  (I used it as  BASIS when I
> branched). I did a test merge against trunk and there were no conflicts.
> I'm not certain the changes are implemented in the best way, but they do
> work and they also allow for more restricted control using SSH keys.
Very little has changed in the trunk since then, so i wouldn't expect any

----- stephan beal
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