My vote is to go with the new behaviour only. More options usually means
more pain - albeit after getting though any transition troubles.

I am biased in this. The old method seemed brittle. However I haven't yet
tested your new code. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do that next week some

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Andy Bradford <>wrote:

> Thus said Rene on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 22:31:48 +0200:
> > I would prefer to not have that option. test-http is for testing a new
> > transport method. If you give someone read acces to your ssh repo then
> > test-http circumvents that. In fact test-htp makes you while connected
> > setup user
> I agree with  you on this sentiment. Does this  also mean, however, that
> you would prefer to remove the original clone behavior entirely?
> Right now, the original behavior is preserved by default:
> fossil clone ssh://amb@remote//tmp/test.fossil test.fossil
> Will invoke  a remote shell via  SSH, go through the  echo/reply probes,
> and then finally launch ``fossil test-http /tmp/test.fossil''.
> Should this option be removed entirely?  Should it be changed instead to
> go through  the same echo/reply  probes, but then finally  call ``fossil
> http  /tmp/test.fossil''  instead? Or  should  the  default behavior  be
> replaced with  simply issuing a remote  ``fossil http /tmp/test.fossil''
> as I now do using the -h http option?
> My vote  would be to remove  the original behavior, and  replace it with
> simply running a  remote ``fossil http /tmp/test.fossil''  and not worry
> about shell issues. But, that  does introduce one difference in behavior
> on clones---because the ``fossil http'' command outputs a
> Connection: close
> header in the response, each interaction  during the clone will invoke a
> new SSH  command. This isn't  necessarily a  problem for people  who are
> using SSH keys, but you will be prompted for a password each time if you
> aren't using a key.  This may not be so bad,  however, because I believe
> autosync  already behaves  this way,  so really,  it's only  the cloning
> operation that would change in behavior.
> Perhaps a poll is in order.
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Andy
> --
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