2013/7/22 Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>

> The problem is the interpreter. i am not aware of a small embedable JS
> interpreter. SpiderMonkey/Jaegermonkey are complex and poorly documented.
> Google V8 is nice but (A) huge, (B) C++, and (C) they recently made drastic
> API changes which invalidated every single v8-using client out there
> (breaking 4-5 years of accumulated code of mine, and i'll never have the
> time to fix it), which means that very few people outside of Google can
> actually use v8 at the moment. JS _would_ also be my first choice, if we
> only had a small, well-maintained interpreter.i don't know TCL, but the TCL
> and Fossil communities seem to be cosmically bound to one another. There
> are relatively few well-established small/embeddable interpreters. Lua,
> TCL, ... none others come to mind (which are small).

I think you can have a look at lo (http://iolanguage.org/) which is a very
tiny programming language.
If I can make a request : clean the code would be great, especially for
those (like me) which have university C skills.

PS : I know, this phrase is not english, sorry for that.
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