On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>wrote:

>  * built-in full text search for tickets.
> Searching has been one of the most-requested features for fossil lately.
> The main difficulty is that it's not as simple as "select * from xyz where
> field like ..." because artifacts are stored as deltas (which are useless
> for searching purposes). So to search an artifact its body has to be
> recreated from its baseline and deltas. To find out what version of a file
> a given search term was in we have to rebuild _every_ version of that file
> and then remember them long enough to be able to report the search results
> to the user. Take a large file, llke sqlite3.c, try to search through its
> whole history for the word "sqlite" and you'll probably spend the rest of
> the day waiting on fossil to calculate the results. It "might"(???) make
> more sense to provide searching as an extra tool which effectively builds a
> cache of a "deconstructed" repo, containing "expanded" copies of all
> artifacts, and performs searches against them.
>  The full-text index can also be kept in deltas, just not the same format
as the artifact deltas. For each artifact, you just keep a list of terms
that were added and terms that were removed relative to it's parent
artifact. Or it might make sense to keep these deltas (and artifact deltas
too) in reverse order (delta from child), since later versions are wanted
at a higher frequency than older versions.

> --
> ----- stephan beal
> http://wanderinghorse.net/home/stephan/
> http://gplus.to/sgbeal
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