On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 08:16:15PM -0600, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Chad Perrin on Sat, 10 Aug 2013 20:03:58 -0600:
> > Maybe I  can use it  for some work  done strictly within  the network,
> > if  there's no  chance  (more  than usual)  that  it'll  screw up  the
> > repositories I'm using.  If there is some increased chance  of that, I
> > might set up some toy repositories just for purposes of testing stuff.
> There's not really a chance that  it will screw up the repositories, but
> you certainly should use it on  test repositories if you're concerned. I
> use  it daily  and all  it changes  is the  way that  the fossil  client
> communiates with the ``fossil server'' on the remote side.
> Because  all  communication happens  via  the  standard ``fossil  http''
> interface, it is unlikely that the remote repository will get broken.
> It's mostly  ready to be  used except for  a few minor  interface issues
> that I'm not completely satisfied with, which I mentioned. Specifically,
> how does the fossil client decide when to use a Fossil username and when
> to prompt for a password?
> You're feedback would be much appreciated.

Great.  I'll try to find time to get something set up in the near future
to do some user testing and give feedback, then.

> Regarding the ``quickest way'' to get your environment setup, please see
> my last response. You  can easily tunnel over SSH if  you are willing to
> run ``fossil server'' on the freebsdhost and train your users how to use
> SSH tunnels. You  could then setup keys that don't  provide shell access
> which merely act as a way to get the SSH tunnel established.

The team members are bright people and understand Unixy stuff pretty
well.  It shouldn't be a problem.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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