On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

It has been a few months since the last official release of Fossil.  I
> wonder if we should consider publishing trunk as the official version 1.28?

I realize I am responding to this a little late, but, hey, as a
non-code-contributing blowhard, why should I let a little thing like that
stop me?  (*cough*).  More seriously, this response is in light of all
messages on this thread (at least, according to gmail) through Mark
Jannsen's of Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 5:17 PM (I don't know if that's my local
time, or his, or what).

(1) I think that, if the Fossil devs wish to make a release version of
Fossil incorporating a non-release (e.g. "development", for some value of
the word development) version of SQLite included as an embedded code copy,
then that is fully their right to do so.  They have the right to ship
Fossil source code with whatever they wish to ship it with.  (And again the
right to support using Fossil *only* with whatever version of SQLite they
wish to support it with!)

Moreover, I *am* sympathetic to Dr. Hipp's desire for Fossil, as used by
real end users in the field, to be used with a non-release version of
SQLite, so as to better test SQLite before a release version of *it* is
cut.  I can understand his position, see things from his POV as a developer.

However, I can also understand, and honestly agree with, the position of
many end users and sysadmins that they do not want a "release" version of
Fossil to make use of a non-release version of SQLite, and the position of
packagers of Fossil that they do not want to have to support use with
non-release versions of SQLite.  No matter *what* Dr. Hipp says about the
stability and safety even of development versions of SQLite (at least, of
tagged development versions), and I am quite willing to take his word for
this mind you, the typical end-user has been taught that anything labeled
"alpha", "beta", etc is not to be trusted with precious or irreplaceable
data.  (Much like, these days, many people feel the same way about any
software with a release version ending in ".0", e.g. "6.0", "7.0", etc.)
And, unfortunately, the Fossil upstream devs are not in a position to force
end-users to use or packagers to package software they are uncomfortable
with -- the end-users and packagers can always vote with their feet.

(2) Given (1), I fully expect that the packagers of Fossil for FOSS
Unix/Linux distributions will *not* package it to make use of any latest
trunk / development version of SQLite, but will instead only package it to
use and depend on a stable release version.  (Whether this is whatever code
is shipped embedded with Fossil, or whether it's whatever version of SQLite
they choose to ship with the distribution they are working on, is up to
each individual packager of course.)

I see that, at least as of the moment I write this, that the prospective
Fossil 1.28 appears to still have the capability for
--disable-internal-sqlite so that even if it were shipped with an embedded
code copy of a non-release version of SQLite a packagers could choose to
use the system provided version of SQLite.  (I also note from the timeline
that the prospective 1.28 does appear to have a release version of SQLite
embedded.)  However, if --disable-internal-sqlite were removed, and if the
embedded code copy of SQLite was a non-release version, I'd be willing to
bet money (a small amount anyway) that the vast majority of (if not all)
packagers would rip that out and use a stable version of SQLite instead in
their package as distributed by their distribution.  (Which, after all, is
*their* right, they only have to support for their end users what *they*,
the packagers, want to support, and not what the Fossil upstream devs wish
to support.  The upstream devs do not have to assist the packagers in this,
of course.)

(3) I have a proposal to try to accommodate both the desires of packagers
and end-users of release versions of Fossil to depend only on release
versions of SQLite, *and* Dr. Hipp's desire for users to use Fossil with a
recent (tho perhaps not heavily-bleeding-edge) non-release version of
SQLite so as to get better testing of SQLite in the wild.  However, I'll
suggest that proposal in a different message.

(4) I see it is planned that Fossil 1.28, as distributed by Fossil
upstream, will require a minimum version of SQLite 3.8.2 per Check-in
[f96162b06b] for branch-1.28.  Fair enough.  Distribution packagers, if
they need Fossil 1.28 to work using older versions of SQLite, will have to
make the appropriate patches; if Fossil upstream does not want to support /
accept those patches, they don't have to.

I think it might be a good idea to also do a _compile-time_ check to insure
SQLite is at the required minimum at time of compilation; I assume this is
feasible to do.

And, of course, this upgraded requirement should all be documented in the
release notes.

(5) Re the performance issue related to WITHOUT ROWID tables, if you aren't
going to address this (which seems perfectly reasonable to me mind you if
it has no practical significance), it probably ought to at least be
mentioned in the applicable release notes as a "will not fix in this

(6) Re Jan Njitmans' comment early in the thread that using
--disable-internal-sqlite allows a Fossil 1.28 binary, compiled to use
SQLite 3.8.2 as an external library, could be used with SQLite 3.8.3 as a
drop-in replacement, isn't this true only if 3.8.2 and 3.8.3 have the same
ABI, function signatures, identical .h files, all that?  Otherwise, 1.28
would have to be recompiled to account for 3.8.3's altered .h file (even if
that's only a timestamp issue, because make).  True?  Or am I mistaken

(Not that this really matters, mind you...)

Thanks for your time.  Hope this is of some use, interest.

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