I'm having yet another go at importing my Wibble development history into Fossil, this time with a much more modest goal: only import the code. But of course that's not possible, as I must also import my check-in comments describing the code. When that's all done, I'll see about bringing in the latest snapshot of documentation and examples and commentary and current bugs and such, with a document somewhere linking to the Tcl Wiki for historical data.

The first part is done, that is importing the stuff that was hosted on the Tcl Wiki [Wibble] page, i.e. everything through 2009-12-19. Next I will import the [Wibble implementation] page.

The problem I face now is adapting the rather copious check-in comments from the [Wibble change log] page. Go have a look: http://wiki.tcl.tk/27384 . How would I go about putting this into Fossil while keeping it readable and useful?

I can keep the links to the announcements and bugs just by bracketing them, e.g. [http://wiki.tcl.tk/27383#pagetoc42e963e2] (though should explicitly give a page version to harden against future changes to the Tcl Wiki). I spy one case where I refer back to a previous revision, and I can just put the commit artifact ID in its place. And the links to other Tcl Wiki pages I can stand to lose.

It seems the real problem is my two-level bulleted list layout. Collapsing it all to a linear series of sentences is an option I would very much like to avoid.

If anyone cares about Wibble, my current progress can be seen here: http://chiselapp.com/user/andy/repository/wibble/

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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