When I am assembling a new software release, I assemble a ChangeLog from the checkin comments since the last release. Prior to moving to Fossil, I used "svn log -r12345:HEAD" for this. That lists the checkin comments from r12345 to the current version, only for files in the current directory and below, and only on the current branch.

The closest I've come to that so far with Fossil is:

    $ fossil timeline after 462b6b3bc5 -n 0

The artifact ID is that of the last checkin on this branch before the ChangeLog was updated for the *previous* release. So, this tells me what happened between that release and "now".

The problem is, it includes all changes in the repository, not just those for the current branch. Ideally, I'd want to restrict it to the current subtree, too, as svn does.

I notice that the Branches tab of fossil ui is able to get a timeline for a specific branch, somehow. I want to get it from the command line because I actually do this from within vi:

   :r !fossil timeline ... etc

That is, the output of fossil timeline gets put into the editor at the current position. This turns the ChangeLog assembly task into an editing task, rather than a transcription task.
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