On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> When I am assembling a new software release, I assemble a ChangeLog from
> the checkin comments since the last release.

On SQLite and on Fossil I do this:


The above assumes (1) the previous release is labeled with a tag "release"
and (2) the branch of interest is trunk and (3) there have been fewer than
1000 check-ins on trunk since the previous release.  Make adjustments as

>  Prior to moving to Fossil, I used "svn log -r12345:HEAD" for this.  That
> lists the checkin comments from r12345 to the current version, only for
> files in the current directory and below, and only on the current branch.
> The closest I've come to that so far with Fossil is:
>     $ fossil timeline after 462b6b3bc5 -n 0
> The artifact ID is that of the last checkin on this branch before the
> ChangeLog was updated for the *previous* release.  So, this tells me what
> happened between that release and "now".
> The problem is, it includes all changes in the repository, not just those
> for the current branch.  Ideally, I'd want to restrict it to the current
> subtree, too, as svn does.
> I notice that the Branches tab of fossil ui is able to get a timeline for
> a specific branch, somehow.  I want to get it from the command line because
> I actually do this from within vi:
>    :r !fossil timeline ... etc
> That is, the output of fossil timeline gets put into the editor at the
> current position.  This turns the ChangeLog assembly task into an editing
> task, rather than a transcription task.
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