On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:
>> I use lto-2 tapes, but the point is that Fossil keeps project's history
>> since the very beginning.  :-)
> Still need to keep the Fossil repo backed up.

Is there really a need for a backup if you have offsite fossils to which
you regularly sync? Backup is merely redundancy. I still do backups (make a
filesystem snapshot and then backup using bup) but I'm starting to question
the value as all my critical work is in fossils and is sync'd to three
sites automatically. BTW, archiving is different from backup but the terms
are often interchangeable. By syncing a fossil based project to multiple
sites you essentially have both archiving and backup.

But yes, I like that Fossil is designed to preserve the history instead of
> being used as a tool to "organize" "history".
> My point was that many non-Fossil users think that using the VCS as a tool
> to "organize" "history" is a great idea.

I'd like support for moving nodes around a branch - but I want it to
produce new branches. I.e. it is an additive process, not a lossy one. I
had one really horrible merge where 100's of lines of code were
conflicting. By merging node by node starting near the baseline node I got
through it but I suspect in this one case something akin to rebase would
have been very very nice. Now my timeline looks a bit like a 32 bit bus
being routed around a circuit board. Cleaning that up would be nice but it
isn't truly necessary.

> It is possible to "organize" "history" in Fossil by doing your work on
> private branches, then creating "organized" views in your work space and
> committing those to trunk and/or release branches. (I have no idea how this
> procedure compares to rebase in git and some other VCSs. I've never used
> rebase. and while my release branches have only major commits in them, I
> don't  do anything special to "organize" them, nor do I make my dev
> branches private.)

I've lost work in private branches by forgetting that they are not sync'd
by default. The trust in not losing work that fossil generates can bite you
when intermittently working in a lossy mode.

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