On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 03:21:07PM -0800, bch wrote:
> The mtime/stat(2) stress is expensive because it's a order(n)
> operation, but better than any other validation (checksumming) method
> -- is git not subject to similar performance hits ? Does it have a
> diff't method to verify integrity, or does it punt on that front
> because of guarantees from elsewhere, or a different requirements ?

You can't really avoid the O(n) hit without using a background monitor
or the like. My point is that table update is done in such a bad manner,
that the *constant* factor is extremely high. In other words, you want
to update to a version with m changed files for a working copy with n
files, the write cost should be O(m), but it is O(n).

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