On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Andy Goth <andrew.m.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Fossil commit is a high-level concept which can't be comfortably
> represented in the OS's filesystem API.  Mapping POSIX file writes to
> Fossil commits writes would yield a messy timeline full of intermediate
> versions; temporary files; editor swap files; spurious adds, deletes,
> renames; exactly one file per commit; and no comments or merges or tags.

As I said, I haven't tried it.

Many years ago, I attended a live demo of Clear Case. At the time, it was
mostly a VCS with a file system API. The timeline mess you mentioned was
mitigated (partly) by, as I recall, adding a command to the makefile/build
script to signal CC to label the user's current "view" as a successful
build. (A point where a Fossil user might do a commit.) All the
intermediate file commits were still in the repository, but the time line
report defaulted to showing only the "build points". Also, as I recall, CC
could be configured to automatically pop-up a window to enter commit

I'm not saying this is better (or worse) then how Fossil works, only that
is how the version of Clear Case I saw worked at the time.

The person demo-ing CC talked about how "The Clear Case Way" as near
painless as possible for the developers to work with - no need to configure
editors or IDEs to support CC, only one simple command to add as the final
step of a successful build and only one simple command to designate a build
point as ready for integration. The integrator/release engineer had
additional commands, but the assumption was that that person was a "process
specialist" who would actually want to use a formal UI.

This level of automation can be accomplished with Fossil (or Hg, git,
etc.), but requires more configuration by the developers - or that they all
use a preconfigured IDE, selected by some one (or some committee) within
the company.
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