On Mon, 23 Nov 2015 20:13:40 +0100, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

On Nov 23, 2015, at 9:42 AM, j. van den hoff <veedeeh...@gmail.com> wrote:

You could still serve multiple Fossil repositories via your web server’s name-based virtual hosting feature

I will have to look into this, thank you for this tip.

I was curious, so I looked into it. The Fossil docs only talk about nginx, but I’m more familiar with name-based virtual hosting on Apache, so I worked out how to configure it:

    NameVirtualHost prj1.yourcompany.private:80
    <VirtualHost prj1.yourcompany.private:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@yourcompany.private
        ServerName prj1
        ServerAlias prj1
        ProxyPass / scgi://localhost:4000/
        SetEnvIf Request_URI . proxy-scgi-pathinfo

Then, set up the back-end server via:

    $ fossil server /path/to/prj1.fossil --scgi --localhost --port 4000 &

Having done this, visiting http://prj1 will transparently show the Fossil UI for prj1.fossil.

The point of this scheme is that you can run one fossil instance for each repository you want to serve, using a different SCGI port number for each, mapping each SCGI port to an alias on your web server. Each of those name-based virtual hosts will present the corresponding Fossil UI at the root of the URL hierarchy, so you won’t run into local/remote discrepancies like the one you found.

will put this on the "things to investigate stack", thank you.
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