On 11/23/15, j. van den hoff <veedeeh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Nov 2015 20:19:28 +0100, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>> That's all well and good, but Joerg is right - it would be convenient
>> to be able to specify the root of the repository in a hyperlink.  I've
>> pondered making that possible with some bit of magic like
>> "[$ROOT/wcontent]" or "<a href='$ROOT/wcontent'>".  But it seems
>> hackish.
> could you elaborate on that? it's not currently an option to do something
> like that, right? if it would be implemented I would think this to be
> rather more natural than the currently necessary `../../../wcontent' when
> linking from some embedded doc in `repo-root/www' which requires knowledge
> of the `/doc/trunk' "mount point" as well in order to get it right.

What should the magic symbol be?  Some ideas:


D. Richard Hipp
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