On Jan 4, 2017, at 12:06 PM, Damien Sykes-Lindley <dam...@dcpendleton.plus.com> 
> How do I update to the latest?

$ mkdir -p ~/museum ~/fossil/trunk
$ fossil clone http://fossil-scm.org ~/museum/fossil.fossil
$ cd ~/fossil/trunk
$ fossil open ~/museum/fossil.fossil
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install
$ sudo apt-get remove fossil

That is, you use the OS package repo’s version to bootstrap the current trunk 
version, then get rid of the OS’s version.

The reason for ~/fossil/trunk is that you might have other branches or tags 
checked out, such as ~/fossil/1.36 containing a checkout of the version-1.36 
tag, if you want to use the last stable version rather than the tip-of-trunk 

> Is there a way that the Fossil server can listen on port 80 with Apache?

If you’re willing to consider nginx instead of Apache, I wrote an extensive 
guide here:


It addresses your current issue as well as a major one you apparently haven’t 
considered yet, which is that if you don’t use TLS, your users’ Fossil 
credentials get sent unencrypted over the Internet.

If you absolutely had to use Apache for some reason, it’s entirely doable, but 
most of the configuration would have to be redone for it.

> Is there any way of installing it as a daemon so that it automatically starts 
> with the system, like Apache does?

The fslsrv script given in that guide does that.

It is not a formal daemon using the OS’s init system (e.g. systemd on most 
Linuxes these days) but it suffices for my purposes.  Most Unix type OSes let 
you call a script like my fslsrv from /etc/rc.local to make it start on every 

If you had to have a systemd unit file or similar, that plus a systemd unit 
file tutorial would get you started.
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