On Jan 4, 2017, at 1:06 PM, Damien Sykes-Lindley <dam...@dcpendleton.plus.com> 
> What do I need to install to do this? First it complained that it couldn't 
> find GCC so I installed that,

On Debian/Ubuntu type systems, it’s easiest to say “sudo apt install 
build-essential”.  That brings in GCC and a bunch of other things useful for 
building software from source.

> now it can't find ZLIB

The normal pattern for library development files on Ubuntu/Debian type systems 
is “sudo apt install libz-dev” though there are exceptions.  A quick check here 
against an Ubuntu 16.04 says that’s a suitable alias for the actual name, 

You can try “apt-cache search zlib” and such to track this sort of thing down.

I can’t give you a complete list of all the files you’ll need because I’ve 
obviously already installed all these libraries, often years ago, so I’d have 
to reinstall a fresh OS to recreate your situation and work my way out of it.

Expect to need to do some of the research yourself here.

> my website is already live with Apache

Well, good luck with that, then. :)

I won’t be rewriting the guide for Apache.  The only reason I wrote it at all 
was to document what I did for my own ngnix based site, so that in another few 
years when I need to stand another one up, I’ll have those notes nicely backed 
up on multiple servers across the Internet.

> don't I need to get some kind of certificates?

That’s part of what Let’s Encrypt provides:


> I think they can get kind of pricy

Let’s Encrypt only provides Domain Validation, which is fine if all you want to 
do is encrypt your comms.

If you want a cert that also trustably asserts real-world identity, then you 
need an OV or EV class cert, which requires background checks and such, which 
is why they’re not free.

You can still pay certain parties for DV certs, but there’s little reason to do 
that now that we have Let’s Encrypt.

> Would the FSLSRV script on its own suffice in /etc/rc.local, or would I have 
> to issue any commands to the system to put it in some kind of startup list?

/etc/rc.local — if present and heeded on your system — is a shell script, so 
you can put anything there you could type at the command line.

rc.local runs things as root, so to drop privileges to a normal user, you’d run 
it like so:

    su -c /path/to/fslsrv myuser

where myuser is the name of the user you want to run fslsrv as.
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