Leaving aside for a moment the consequences in general of the presumed imminent SHA1 collapse (and some of the valid points already made by Linus regarding Git):

If FOSSIL will refuse (and I actually tried it with those two same SHA1 PDFs) to accept a file (commit, push, pull) with the same SHA1 as any of those already in the repo (not sure about the unversioned case, however), how is it possible for someone to inject a 'bad' file with the same SHA1 as a 'good' file already in the repo?

The only ways I can imagine (and please add more if you see them) are:

* Deconstruct the repo, replace the specific file(s) with the 'bad' one(s) and reconstruct. But, this would be in the user's local copy, and s/he would not be able to push those changes to the other side (again, because the given SHA1 already exists, and the file with the same SHA1 will not be retransmitted/reloaded). The injection will not propagate beyond the attacker's machine.

* Know the 'good' file before it's actually committed, prepare a 'bad' same SHA1 replacement, and commit it before the 'good' has a chance, locking it out. (Rather impossible even for clairvoyant people -- and even if, it would most likely be noticed more easily than replacing a dormant file nobody bothers with!)

* Be the administrator of a site (like chiselapp for example -- I do not mean to insinuate anything, I simply do not know of another public example) and go through the deconstruct-replace-reconstruct process replacing good with bad. This is the only scenario I see which will affect the general public -- specifically, those cloning the injected repo from scratch. However, this again (because of no same SHA1 reloading) will not affect the local copies of the contributors, when pulling/syncing -- or any of the clones done before the injection. This is the only one I would worry about at a theoretical level.

So, unless my assumptions above are incorrect, how urgent is the need to transition away from SHA1?

Also, the two example PDF files with the same SHA1 still have different MD5 which fossil apparently already uses, and this (MD5) could be used as an alternate verifier for each artifact without changing anything else. I believe it will be really-really difficult (for the foreseeable future at least) for someone to come up with a 'bad' file with both SHA1 and MD5 being the same. Don't tell me MD5 is broken. One would still need to match both SHA1 and MD5 to inject -- not easy!

I'm certainly not against transitioning to a more secure hash *eventually* but I doubt there is such an immediate need (until the Easter deadline, for example) for making what seems to be a rather serious update that (and this my biggest concern) may introduce (an avalanche[?] of) bugs, and possibly even risk the integrity of our current repos until fully bug-free. (I for one would be reluctant to try it for actual work until enough other people have used it for some time without problems.) So, I think it could be done in a more relaxed timeframe that will also give time to brainstorm the best possible general solution that will work easily even in the event of another hash function replacement in the future (e.g., what if SHA3 is already being prepped by Google for summer announcement?) while maintaining backwards compatibility to the greatest extent possible. It's also interesting to take some time to see how others will try to deal with this problem and get ideas.

As for the proposal, although it sounds OK on first reading, the 'unknowns' are a bit worrisome, particularly the syncing between different versions -- you can't really get the whole population to switch at the exact same time.

And, I'm not sure it's the minimum (i.e., less chance for new bugs) solution possible. I believe the example I gave with the MD5 is safe enough temporary 'hack' for the foreseeable future with less possibility of bugs as it will not switch to a new hash, simply use the second one for extra verification (and it doesn't have to be MD5, you can use SHA3 but in a similar context -- simply MD5 is already there).

My 0.01 eurocent!

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