Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2017 15:25:54 -0700 From: Richard Hipp
> <> To: "Fossil SCM user's discussion"
> <> wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> I currently know of two Fossil hosting systems, Flint and Hydra.
> I'm going to take this in a different direction and suggest that the
> *best* Fossil hosting system is Linode (
> Linode is just a generic hosting provider.

IF I remember correctly, then another option
that seems to work, at least with the wiki side,
I haven't tested it with "huge" file transfers, is that
a generic hosting service provider serves a page
through a plain PHP program, with no special setup
or special options, just the "vanilla" service,
but if the web server of the generic hosting provider
uses FastCGI for executing the PHP interpreter

    (Interestingly the FastCGI's own site seems to be down.)

then the CGI related environment variables are
already all evaluated for the FastCGI and any
console application that the PHP script executes can
read the CGI related environment variables. The PHP script
executes the Fossil binary as a plain console application,
directs the output of the console program,
in this case the Fossil binary, to a file and uses the
content of that file as a binary blob in the role
of a binary blob based PHP-script output. It just
so happens that in stead of some JPEG or something similar,
the file happens to be the stream of bytes that the
fossil console application returned.

The fossil binary can be uploaded to the
generic hosting service by using any FTP
access, as a plain file. The most difficult
part might be the cross-compilation of the
Fossil, because the Fossil binary must
match with the server CPU. The fact that
the hosting provider might change the
CPU type, reduces the reliability of that
solution, but the PHP-script may run the

    uname -a

before executing the fossil console program and
verify that the "uname -a" output has not changed
after the fossil console program was uploaded
to the server. The PHP script might even choose
between different Fossil binaries.

I do not know, if that setup works with file transfers,
I haven't tested it with files, but
I do know that the Fossil has some setting parameter
that describes the preferred file chunk size and
the PHP has some maximum file upload size limit.
May be, if the PHP limit is set higher than the
Fossil preferred file chunk size, then may be
the file transfers also work. I haven't tested it.

Thank You for reading my comment :-)


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