On Mon, 27 Nov 2017 09:52:19 -0500
Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> I am in receipt of your patch.  I have not evaluated it yet because
> the entire symbolic-link mechanism in Fossil is confused and very
> difficult to manage.  It mostly works now, but is brittle.  A
> seemingly simple patch like what you sent could cause breakage.

Perhaps a separate function "make_path()" just to create any
directories that may not exist, rather than stuffing it all in
blob_write_to_file(). It can be called as follows if needed:

  blob_write_to_file(&content, zFile);

> I am very sorry that I allowed symbolic link support into Fossil in
> the first place.   (Symbolic link support was neither designed nor
> written by me - it is contributed code.)  I would really like to get
> rid of symbolic link support.  Symbolic links seem out-of-place in a
> version control system.  As implemented, symbolic links are a point of
> confusion which (as far as I can see) adds no useful capabilities.

Are you referring to symlinks inside a working directory, or Fossil's
ability to "follow" them? If so have a survey of users, or a
disabled-by-default policy to see if any users need it.
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