On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 13:19:38 +0100
Jan Nijtmans <jan.nijtm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This patch has no relation to fossil's symlink support, it's just part
> of the code to find a suitable temporary directory to write some
> intermediate file. It's unfortunate it's that complicated, but useful
> because sometimes the working directory or the current directory
> is read-only, That's what this code is about.

That is my initial impression when I wrote the patch; it was to do with
Fossil creating the temp folder before writing to the file. This issue
is a showstopper for those who use recent OpenBSD versions, as OpenBSD
now has a symlink from /var/tmp to "../tmp", which confuses Fossil.

The patch fixes this situation:

 $ cd /home/test/fossil/wdir1
 $ fossil uv edit ....
  (try to create directory /home/test/fossil/wdir1/../tmp
                      i.e. /home/test/fossil/tmp)
> I sometimes use symlink support in fossil, but it shouldn't be fancy
> at all. When committing a symlink, someone else checking it out
> should get the same symlink. This - generally - only makes sense
> when the symlink is relative and points to somewhere else in
> the working directory. Otherwise - indeed - it doesn't make sense.
> This is the way that - for example - Subversion handles symlinks,
> it would be a loss to remove it from fossil. It's just like the 'x'
> (executable) flag: unfortunate that Windows doesn't handle it the way
> UNIX does, that's the reason why fossil has to do tricky things ....

What Fossil should do is have a reliable way to determine what should
be written first. A "racish" condition can exist with symlink support
where files that go into a symlinked directory are written first, and
when it's time to create the symlink, the name of the link itself is
taken because Fossil has written the directory.

> That said, symlinks are actually a UNIX-only feature: I don't
> mind that - on Windows - symlinks check-out as being a file with
> the link path as content (that's what Subversion does as well ...)

Since Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008:

> Regards,
>        Jan Nijtmans
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