Thanks for the instructions and demonstration.

Simple to do, I agree. A minor issue for me is that I have some tasks
where I copy-paste parts of the timeline view to another program, and
some web browsers do not copy the CSS parenthesis, making things
harder to read, again. Picking individual entries from the command
line timeline interface is not so straight forward.

But you got me on the wrong leg:

I'm a computer hobbyist, and I "refused" to use version control
systems for a long time, due to its complexity, and the amount of
hobby time I would have to invest. This has changed only when I
learned about Fossil, and I'm always fascinated by its simplicity.

At first I maintained my own Fossil skins. But after two or three
updates, even with only simple changes to the default CSS, I gave up
my own skins, as I didn't want to spend my hobby time with CSS

So my strategy here was to argue for a generally accepted default that
would be built into Fossil ;-)

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