Warren Young writes:
> On Dec 11, 2017, at 3:09 PM, Rolf Ade <fos...@pointsman.de> wrote:
>> Florian Balmer writes:
>>> I didn't want to spend my hobby time with CSS
>>> diffing.
>> ...having own
>> skins and CSS as branch of the main trunk(s) (the build-in skins) and to
>> be able to merge the own skins/CSS from the build-in skins, as they
>> development …
> Try:
>    $ fossil conf export skin foo
>    …upgrade Fossil, switch repo to skin you wish to merge…
>    $ fossil conf merge foo
> I haven’t tested it, but it looks like it should work. See “fossil
> help conf” for more on this.

AFAIS this "merge" fossil configurations in the sense that it replaces
just the areas found in the merge file. It doesn't merge the imported
conf skin in any way in the sense as merging branches in fossil.
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