On 2018-03-13 17:37, Warren Young wrote:
On Mar 13, 2018, at 11:33 AM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

The examples above both show how you can have a common list of documentation 
that points to multiple sources.  My project’s example shows a manually-curated 
list, whereas the Fossil project example shows an automatically-generated 
index, done with the www/mkindex.tcl script in the Fossil source tree.

Also, realize that the links at the top of each Fossil UI page are just 
elements of the Header part of the skin.  drh has pointed his “Docs” link to 
his script-generated permuted index, and in my PiDP-8/I project, I’ve adjusted 
the “Wiki” link to point to /wcontent rather than to /wiki, which I think makes 
more sense.

I think this should be the default when clicking on Wiki in the top menu (/wcontent). This /wiki is somehow odd and needs getting used to.

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