On Fri, 15 Jun 2018 15:23:42 +0200
"Olivier R." <m...@grammalecte.net> wrote:

> When someone clones the repo, make one or several commit(s), then push 
> to the repo without having the right to change it, this commit could be 
> queued somewhere (in a temporary branch maybe?), then the 
> administrator(s) may apply it as it is or with modifications, or refuse 
> it. To avoid spams and useless commits, it should be allowed to delete 
> unwanted changes waiting in the queue.
> Olivier

The big drawback of such workflow is that the cloned repository will quickly 
become very different from the base repository.

But with some modification, this can be avoided - it is enough to allow such 
pull-requests (or push attempts?) to be
possible only on the private branches. The pushed to the central repository 
branches will still remain private until approved.
This way, the developers will keep their work branches private and will get the 
approved changes through the usual sync.

John Found <johnfo...@asm32.info>
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