On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 1:40 PM, praveenp <me.prav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 July 2010 09:19 PM, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
>> Nor google nor the wmf is creating articles automatically via machine
>> translations.
>> Google is not pushing translated articles.
>> Toolkit is a page where you can see a (sometimes not good)
>> translation, and you (if you want to) are able to complete or fix it.
>> When you believe it is complete, you upload it to wikipedia, just like
>> you waoult upload a fully manual translation when you consider it's
>> complete.
> Unfortunately that is not something happening around. It looks like
> somebody hiring someone and they are creating a database of words. :(

>From my experience in Bengali wikipedia, many GTT-assisted edits are
unsalvageable. This is not a fault of GTT per se, but rather a fault
of the model Google followed here. Of course GTT does not provide a
translation magically, but the translators hired by Google did an
awful job of the first draft of translation, and never fixed that. If
you show a volunteer a 1 para stub with problems, they are happy to go
and fix it. But when you bring a 100 KB full article where every
sentence needs fixing, the volunteers just give up. Even seasoned
wikipedians are not willing to devote several hours in doing a
complete rewrite of the article ... a manual translation from scratch
takes a much shorter time.

Of course, last week, one of the translators came back with a much
better version of an article, and we allowed the translator to create
it in the user space. If the translation passes the community's
standards, we will move it to the main namespace. So, we are not
completely blocking/banning such paid translations, rather we banned
bad, unfixed, unreadable translations and translators that were not
willing to fix their problems.


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