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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: john palmieri <john.j5.palmi...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: 2009 Current Year Budget
To: Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org>

Hi Dave,

Thanks for starting this discussion, it is very important and you bring up
good points.  Let me try to give you some answers immediately and see if we
can't come up with more in depth solutions for breaking down the budget in a
way that is a bit more clear as we continue to refine it.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks for publishing the budget. It's a very useful document to have.
> I have a few observations and questions (mostly the same ones I asked of
> the board before - but this is an opportunity for a more public
> discussion).
> john palmieri wrote:
> > Attached is the 2009 budget put together by Stormy.  Due to the economy
> > our budget shows us eating into the surplus quite a bit.  While we will
> > remain solvent for 2009, it is a burn rate we will not be able to
> > sustain in 2010 barring changes in funding level and/or reduction of
> > ongoing expenditures.  Those decisions will be made as the year
> > progresses and we have a more complete picture of where we will be come
> > December.  As I have said we are in good shape for this year but we need
> > to look to the future in order to find ways to best serve our members.
> One line I'm missing from the budget is "Balance forward". You mention
> we're eating into our surplus, but you don't mention how much we have in
> the bank at the beginning of the year.

The first page of the budget states that we started with $130,000 in the
bank for and are expecting around an -$83,000 deficit which means we plan to
end the year at $47,000 in the bank.  Part of this is due to getting advice
from our accountant that we had too much money in the bank. We have since
also gotten advice to have at least 6 months of operation expenses  in
surplus from other non-profits.  You also correctly note bellow that much of
the planned expenses won't happen unless funding comes in from them.  The
original budget assumed that companies wanted to pay us in a lump sum during
their budgeting cycle instead of the "when events come up" method we had
been using in the past.  The economy tanked and it went back to having to
ask per event.  We perhaps should change the budget to better reflect that.

> Running a budget deficit of $83,000 seems a bit mad given the way things
> are going right now - shouldn't we be tightening our belts anywhere we can?

Yes and no.  The year is young so things might actually turn around and the
way things look, we can continue flat for the next few year even if things
don't change baring a total collapse of our funding (and taking into account
losing Stormy as per my other e-mail).  Tying events to extra funding is a
good way to keep the cushion without scaling back prematurely.  Remember
GNOME 3.0 is in active development so now more than ever we need to keep
important activities around that moving ahead.  That being said, if there
are any events that aren't really all that important in the grand scheme of
things we should absolutely cut them or at least move them down in priority.

> I have some ideas how to get closer to a balanced budget. They mean
> tightening the belt this year, for the long-term health of the
> foundation, but I think that's worth doing.
> As I see it, our minimum expenditure during the year is:
> Stormy:    $96,000
> Zana:      $27,500
> Paychex:    $2,400
> Taxes:      $6,043
> Insurance:  $2,200
> Accountant: $3,500
> Office:       $592
> Bank fees:  $3,000   (is there a way to bring these down?)
> Total:  $141,235
> And undirected income (that is, income not specifically destined for
> programs):
> Advisory board fees: $110,000
> Friends of GNOME:     $20,000 (budgeted)
> Google SoC:           $15,000
> GUADEC 08:            $20,000 (provisional)
> Total:  $165,000
> That gives us about $24K to play with, *if* we raise $20,000 from
> Friends of GNOME, everyone pays advisory board fees, and we do pretty
> well from GUADEC 08.

Looks like this is possible judging by the last updates and if we can keep
momentum -
http://blogs.gnome.org/foundation/2009/05/04/friends-of-gnome-update/ .

> What's unclear from the presentation of the budget is which activities
> are coming from the foundation surplus, and which will be run only if
> they're self-funding.

We will have to work on this as I don't have absolute numbers.  There is
work ongoing that we should unveil soon which will break out exactly where
donations go and how much we need to raise for each agenda on the
foundations plate (such as hackfests and sysadmin, etc.)

> As I understand it, hackfests are all conditional on sponsorship and/or
> financial participation of participants.
> I assume the same is true of the sysadmin? Given that we have $20,000
> raised towards the sysadmin position already, and another $10,000
> budgeted from the foundation, how much money do you feel the foundation
> will need to raise to make this hire? Is 6 months funds enough, or will
> you try to raise a year's worth before asking someone to commit to
> sysadminning? Is it to be a contract, or a permanent hire?

Finding the right sysadmin is really the bar here.  We are talking part time
contract and there is a question on year to year funding as some of the
funds are contingent on specific work being done.  Once that work is done
does funding dry up? (this is one of the many reasons we need to keep a full
time ED so the situation can be closely monitored)

Is this also the case for re-running the accessibility program? There is
> a line that $30,000 is money raised last year and unspent on the
> accessibility program - could that be removed from this year's budget as
> a budgetted expense, to allow things to be a little clearer on this
> year's income/expenditure?

We have a lot of funds ties to specific programs.  The a11y funds will not
be dropped into a general pool.  Any suggestions on how to break this out in
the budget?  We could end up with hundreds of totals making the budget more
confusing if we are not careful.  Perhaps a document showing what has been
allocated and what is in our general funds? I should also note while I like
the ability to specify where funds are to be spent, it can be abused to the
point where we have no general funds and are over funded in areas which
aren't stratigically important to long term growth (e.g. we starve the trunk
to feed the leaves).

> Other planned expenditures, which don't appear to have fundraising
> directly associated with them, are:
> * European & US event box: $2,500

If the event box is doing good we could not have upgrades this year but we
still have to account for shipping.

> * Latin American Tour: $6,000
> * Local group budget: $9,371
> * Travel budget: $10,000

We will have to look into these but I don't want to cut back on things that
pay off dividends in terms of GNOME awareness and development.  In the grand
scheme of things activities are the core of what we do and there are bigger,
even if more unpleasant ways of making sure we are viable.  One thing to put
into perspective is we are making more money this year just not enough to
cover the growth plans we had stepped into during better days so barring
total meltdown of the economy we could go back to generating a surplus and
growing more conservatively (though I think that just means stagnation until
the next tech boom)

> Could we cut down this budget this year, given the financial state of
> affairs elsewhere? If we had an overall community budget of, say,
> $13,000 I think that'd be great! $28,000 with no income matching up
> seems too much.

That is not to say we shouldn't scrutinize the community budget and see
places where it hasn't really benifitted in the past and ask people to be
really conservative when it comes to choosing who will be requesting money.
I don't want to mecanically cut funding, especially for community.  We will
take a look.  We have to go over last years budget and what we actually
spent.  If lowering the current budget to last years levels makes sense then
that would the first place to look for cuts.  Again, I don't want to
prematurely cut things and end up with a much larger net surplus then we
were comfortable with.  That just means we may have wasted opportunities out
of fear.

> Marketing budget: shouldn't we be cutting the expenditure of printing
> annual reports this year? $2,700 seems like a luxury we can't affort.

We should be moving to a more paperless format anyway so I think this may be
a good idea though we still need to have some on hand.  Putting them on Lulu
(can individuals get our report from Lulu?) would mean people who wanted
more of the print version could get it themselves.

> One last overall remark: Looking at the cover sheet, we look like we're
> bleeding money, but when you look closer, a lot of the budgeted
> expenditure is contingent on fundraising. Doesn't it make sense to
> reflect this in the cover page? For example, programs shows -$28,000 and
> hackfests -$19,000 but they're not going to happen if they're being 100%
> funded by the foundation.

Yes.  This was my fault as writing the request for funds was exhausting
given the somber tone.  My ability to summarize was restricted by the
exhaustion and need to get both documents out ASAP.  I will be more thorough
next time.

> Once you factor out these, you're back to -$35,000, and if you manage to
> trim the marketing budget, community budget and bank fees, we could even
> get down closer to -$20,000 for the year. Factor in the Summer of Code
> income, and we are close to a break-even budget - especially since I
> know that Stormy is being very careful with her travel budget and is
> requesting expenses where reasonable, so I am sure she will not spend
> all of the $20K travel budget allotted.
> Also, there is currently no budget line for GUADEC 2009 - isn't there a
> planned surplus from this year's event also to pay for some things like
> the Summit and maybe a hackfest?

There is a budget line of $20,000, it is just not clear since it has a note
mentioning 2008.  The Summit doesn't cost much and I suspect we will get
companies funding events there.  Having the hackfests there is a good way to
save some money since there are a lot of hackers couches and people plan to
come anyway.  We definitely want to have a few there this year.

> Anyway - I hope my comments are helpful, and reinforce the message that
> I think the foundation should absolutely try to balance the budget this
> year, even if that means spending less on travel than intended.
> The foundation should be building & storing cash reserves for a
> potentially horrible 2010 if at all possible.

I am hoping you are more active in budget discussions as you have a lot of
good suggestions and are able to ask the right questions to get us
thinking.  We need more people outside of the board to take interest in the
Foundation's activities.

John (J5) Palmieri
foundation-list mailing list

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