2009/6/26 Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org>:
> Hi,
> Dave Neary wrote:
>> A small correction to explain exactly how random transfers work:
> Well, actually, I just found out from the OpenSTV guys, that how Filippo
> said is how they work.
> In count 1, Vincent has 60 votes, they're shoved into a stack. The top 33
> votes from the stack get redistributed in count 2. No randomness at all, no
> shuffling, and we don't look at the distribution of the 2nd preferences to
> calculate who gets what.

If I understand the system correctly, the randomness does exist - the
outcome is dependent on the order in which ballots are cast (or
counted), which can be thought of as a random process. Is this

Arun Raghavan
(Ford_Prefect | Gentoo) & (arunsr | GNOME)
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