On 6/1/10 9:49 AM, "Claudio Saavedra" <csaave...@gnome.org> wrote:
> I wouldn't 
> be happy to see this kind of sarcasm being used by people
running the
> Foundation, if they happen to disagree with other
> members.

Happily for everyone, I'm not one of the people "running the Foundation",
I'm just another member. Are you happy to see irrelevant header checks being
publicly performed in order to apparently attempt to invalidate, solely on
that basis, the comments of other GNOME members?

I'm not, as should be fairly clear.

See, I have a this thing called a "job". My job involves video editing,
among a variety of other things. I do my video editing in Final Cut Pro,
which runs solely on OS X. The notion that I'm going to go and start up a
completely different system in order to send my comments from a Linux
(pardon me: _GNU_/Linux) box, using an approved, "free" email client, to
satisfy the sensibilities of Xav and those like him, is rather absurd.

I'm sorry, but in the world I live in, people learn to coexist with all
sorts of things that might be less than ideal. I find the fact that there's
no "free" equivalent for Final Cut Pro less than ideal, but there it is. I'm
not about to stop editing video and wait around for some more "appropriate"
program to arrive.

And no, I wasn't "waiting" for this. I'm disturbed that we're continuing to
play this childish game, frankly, and especially in this context. I simply
sent an email message using the client I typically use on the system which I
am currently using. Xav's suggestion that he was somehow "set up" is as
absurd as his harping on message headers here.

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