> > >Bring up and fix issues with GNOME that are being ignored or shunned.
> > Can you list these?
> I will just be frank here...
> Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
> Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
> Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
> Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
> Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
> Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
> How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
> Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by those 
> companies?

> > >  Work on letting GNOME shell be lead by the community.
> > Can you expand on what you want changed?
> Currently all GNOME Shell decisions are taken by Red Hat, thus limiting the 
> community's technical as well as design contribution.

It seems to me that your underlying belief is that there is too much
(large) corporate influence in GNOME. Would you say that you might
have some conflict of interest here given that your project
(Zeitgeist) was ignored/shunned by the GNOME Shell developers?

> > > I stand for innovation in GNOME.
> > What is lacking now, and what do want to do when being part of the board?
> Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers. It is because its 
> current development state doesn't allow any new innovation to settle in. 
> GNOME being run mostly by people representing
> bigger companies no risks are being taken and thinking out of the box is 
> usually categorized as such.

Surely one could argue that GNOME Shell is quite innovative thinking
outside of the box, and that quite a large risk is being taken with
it, and most of the suggestions for it that come from the community
are of requests for uninnovative things; "I want a task bar", "I want
Or is there a potential conflict of interest here as well that
Zeitgeist has not gained much traction in the community?

> [Redhat or Ubuntu] could start off with a design board combining  selected 
> and competent representatives from community and companies, whose first 
> objective is to rewrite the HIG.
> I suggest starting a technical board with equal amounts of  representatives 
> of companies as and community whose members are significantly competent for 
> the roles.
> Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers.

Yet you think the solution to attracting new developers is to wrap the
processes up in red tape and technical boards or design boards? Surely
Free Software is supposed to be about meritocracy, not about boards
dictating how an individual project should be run.

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