On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Marco van de Voort <mar...@stack.nl> wrote:
>> Some class/vars/consts/functions are avaiable and declared in package
>> file, but the only they to see a full declaration is via documention,
>> rather than header-sources.
> I don't understand this.

Delphi can compile a project with dcu present, but no .pas files.
Any type or routine present in dcu can be used. The only problem of
using them, is that there's no information in human-readable form
about what actually presents in dcu.

Most of commercial components use this strategy: They do not provide
sources, but they provide compiled .dcus (for any delphi version).
With .dcu files they provide documentation over the component, so the
user can see what classes, methods, functions or types are available,
without need of studying sources.

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