28.01.13, 21:20, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

Different people see different needs in language. There is nothing bad
not to use and not understand some of the language features.

tatata, you should always understand everything :)

Very weak argument :) In your work you use system APIs and other frameworks which are made in C, C++ or assembler. I believe you don't understand everything and if you don't - you use the reference if needed. The same way with pascal - if you don't want to learn new features then use libraries as black boxes but if you need then use a reference.

I would use anonymouse methods in pascal - I use them in javascript
when I need to perform something asynchronosly.

Since you can do the same with simple named methods too, I see no need
for creating the readibility horror that results of it.

It is a readability horror when for injecting a small piece of code as anonymouse method in place where it is needed you *must* declare a new named method (which will no be used anywhere else) few screens up or down.

It offers nothing that objects didn't already have.

It offers understandable memory layout without VMT.

Just trying to say that this is one of these things where Delphi could
simply have re-instated the TP-style objects. The compiler compiled them
anyway already.
There was no need to burden records with methods in an attempt to make
them 'object-like'.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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