Am 28.01.2013 14:39, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

I would use anonymouse methods in pascal - I use them in javascript
when I need to perform something asynchronosly.

Since you can do the same with simple named methods too, I see no need
for creating the readibility horror that results of it.

It is a readability horror when for injecting a small piece of code as anonymouse method in place where it is needed you *must* declare a new named method (which will no be used anywhere else) few screens up or down.

I agree here. Also think about e.g. Synchronize. You must create a parameterless method + fields for each method you want to execute in the main thread. Here I definitely prefer anonymous methods. And an also important aspect of them is that they can "capture" variable state from outside it's body. You can't do the exact same with nested procedures...

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