On 24/05/18 17:30, Santiago A. wrote:
The 1990 version of Photoshop was written in Pascal.
I've read that first Apple OS was in pascal.  Also that first Autocad version was written also in Pascal, but it need to exchange floppy disks too many times for compiling. It looks like Pascal had a bright beginning. What happened to you, my beloved Pascal? Sniff =-)

53. Why did Autodesk decide to write AutoCAD in   C rather than   Pascal?

Because when Greg Lutz went to see a demo of IBM Pascal at the computer store, he discovered that it took 5 disc swaps or so to compile each file. Computer Innovations C let you run with the compiler in the A drive and your source in the B drive without playing disc jockey.


Note who owns that website.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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