On 12/19/2014 12:53 PM, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
On 12/19/2014 09:48 PM, Ralf Quint wrote:
I have been trying to use tStringList in a larger project of mine, but
this just keeps bombing out with a exception.
I have been able to reproduce the problem with this very simple test

program project1;

USES Classes;

Var T : tStringList;
     S : String;
   S := 'Test';
// T.Clear;
   T.Add (S);

You're mixing old TP-style objects with classes.

T := TStringList.Create is the correct syntax.
Well, then why is the compiler building this just fine without even throwing an error?!?!? As mentioned, I do not get the error at the .Create call, but at anything after that... I do not have a working Delphi system at hand right now, but I am sure that this would have compiled and worked on anything up to Delphi 2006 just fine.

I will change this and see if this makes a difference, thanks


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