Am 20.12.2014 00:01 schrieb "Rainer Stratmann" <
> Hi Dave!
> that's exactly what I was searching for.
> Thanks a lot.
> One question is left:
> Where can I read the blocksize. Normally it is 512 bytes. But there are
> (newer) devices where there is a different blocksize. Also a CD has a
> blocksize as far I know.

Please note that there are drives that internally have 4kB, but emulate
512B ones. On SATA ports you can determine this, but if you connect them
using some USB adapter you might not be able to detect this. Depending on
what you plan to do thus is important (e.g. copying large amount of data
would be better done in 4kB blocks or multiples of that).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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