Deirdre Reagan wrote: 
> How can I add a page that isn't a disconnected page?  The only way I
> know how to add pages is to keep hitting return until a new page shows
> up, or go to Special > Add Disconnected Page.
> Is there some option I should be clicking to make my menu option read
> Special > Add Connected Page?

I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding how FM works and trying to
use it as a page-layout program like Quark or PageMaker. 

There is no Add Connected Page command because you should never add
pages. You just add _content_, and FM creates additional pages
automatically to hold it. 

Your illustrations should be inserted into the (autoconnected) text
flow, not put on separate pages. When you reach the end of the last
paragraph before an illustration, hit Enter to make a new paragraph, and
then select File > Import > File and import your illustration. FM will
create an anchored frame (anchored at the text cursor location) to hold
the illustration. If you want the figure caption below the figure, hit
Enter again, make the new pgf your figure caption pgf. 

There's more to it (Keep With settings, whether to define a dedicated
figure anchor pgf, etc.), but that's the basic idea. Don't add pages!
Let FM do that for you. 

(If you have, or can get, Adobe's Classroom in a Book for FM, working
through that will teach you a lot of these basic concepts of how FM
works and how to work with it instead of against it.



Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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