Check that the styles with numbering formats that fall between those 
tables are replicating the proper stream. Someone is either off a 
placeholder, or resetting your numbers.


Eva Whitley wrote:
> First off, thanks to all those who helped me with my document containing 
> both 81/2"x11" and 11"x17" pages. As suggested, I pulled out the 11"x17" 
> pages into a new document that will be another chapter in the book.
> Now I'm seeing a problem in autonumbering that is defying all my newbie 
> efforts to fix.
> As mentioned before, we are running FM8 on PCs. We have styles defined 
> for Tables and Figures. The Autonumber Format  (from the Numbering tab 
> on Paragraph Designer) for Tables is
> Table <$chapnum>.<$volnum>-<n>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >-<n+> so the first 
> table in Section 5 should be Table 5.1-5-1 . And, indeed that's what the 
> first table in Section 5 is labeled. Several pages later, at the next 
> table the Autonumber Format is
> Table <$chapnum>.<$volnum>-<n>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >-<n+> that should be 
> labeling the table Table 5.1-5-2. But instead it's coming out as Table 
> 5.1-5-1  .
> Skipping forward several pages, the next table is labeled Table 5.1-5.2. 
> The one after that is Table 5.1-5-3. The one after that is labeled Table 
> 5.1-5-1  .
> The Autonumber Format is Table <$chapnum>.<$volnum>-<n>< >< >< >< >< >< 
>  >< >-<n+>
> Anyone have any idea of what's causing this? And more importantly, how 
> it can be fixed? I've tried deleting the tables, importing the info as 
> unformatted text, and if the new table is inserted right after the old 
> one, it numbers correctly, but if it's inserted back into the original 
> location I get the same problem. I've recreated the tables into a new 
> document (and the autonumbers behave in that) but when I paste them into 
> the original document--same problem. I've copied the code and pasted in 
> to the Autonumber Format text box, and that hasn't fixed it.
> I'm truly stumped. What am I missing?


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