On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Eva Whitley <eva.whit...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> Well, after literally hours of work, I've managed to trace the problem
> to a bad second level heading that was causing the re-set. However,
> fixing it meant trying to re-do the autonumbering on the headings, and I
> just can't figure out how to structure the headings so Heading 1.1 in
> Section 2 re-sets as 1.1, not as 4.1 (there are three headings at that
> level in the first Section). I've asked my boss for the assistance of
> someone who has had FrameMaker training to try to fix the problem but I
> accept that it's beyond me.
> I also made a case for getting some training at our departmental meeting
> today, so we'll see what develops there.
> I can't send the document out (in contains passwords) but I may be able
> to send our template out if anyone wants to see how the document is sent
> up now.
> Again, thanks for the help. Maybe someday I'll get training and be able
> to help another newbie!

What helped me when I had more complicated numbering strings was to
set up a spreadsheet. The first column contains the tags that need to
be included in the numbering series. The first row contained a
description of what the number was for. You plug the numbering blocks
into the cells, and it's pretty easy to track when a reset needs to
occur and the like.

Remember when using a numbering string to provide it with a series tag
(e.g., "H:" for headings) and to have the same number of blocks in
each tag's string.

That is, if your Heading1 is "1." and Heading2 is "1.1" and resets
after each Heading1, then BOTH tags should contain 2 blocks. For

Heading1 numbering string is "H:<n=1>.< =0>"
Heading2 numbering string is "H:< >.<n+>"


Lin Sims

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