On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:13:15 +0000, obair81 at comcast.net 


Quite welcome!

>How do you see the "Set up print rtf project" 
>dialog after the first setup?
>It seems to show once, and then disappear.

Right, if there is already a mif2rtf.ini, it doesn't
overwrite it, as that could zap settings you already
made.  However, for RTF, if you do Set up again, you
get the "Conversion Designer", a multipanel GUI for
changing many settings.  Personally, I prefer to edit
the mif2rtf.ini myself, in a text editor like Wordpad.
This is all covered in par. 3.3, "Setting up a Mif2Go 

>I have looked through the manual enough to get my 
>frame to go to word, but the word version is still 
>30 percent bigger than the frame, so it does not 
>look like the original.

If the page size is different, that means there's
something unusual about your Master Pages in Frame.
We obtain the page size and margins from those.
For Word, it's often necessary to use simpler master
pages imported from a conversion template, because
some common Frame usages (like a graphic line in a 
side margin) cause problems for Word, as described
in par., "Adjusting headers and footers for 

>Maybe one problem is a View in Frame (my custom draft 
>mark) that, even when hidden in Frame, shows in Word.  
>That puts itself in the middle of each page. Maybe that 
>is what is throwing off the page size.  I cannot see 
>why this View, hidden in Frame, shows in Word.

Nor can I.  We respect all of Frames conditional text
settings.  If you cannot determine what the problem
is after actually reading the User's Guide <g>, you
can send us a one-page test case as described in
Appendix D, with all the files specified there, and
we'll look into it.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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