Well Richard, as you stated: 

Unless you're writing for complete computer

You hit the nail right on the head - in some cases we are, in other cases 
we aren't. The crux of the matter is that both audiences will have to use 
this same guide. Plus, they will so infrequently use these background 
applications, that their learning curve would be just for the day that 
they are using the program and then it would be a fresh start all over 

So . . . . I dunno' at this point. I think waiting for customer feedback 
on the guide is what I need to do.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Combs, Richard" <richard.combs at Polycom.com> 
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
08/10/2006 12:09 PM

<framers at frameusers.com>

RE: OT: Writing/editing style

Fred Ridder wrote: 

> Focus on essential steps (accomplishing the task at hand).
> Assume automatic actions (like basic navigation).
> Eliminate unnecessary words.

I'm with Art and Fred. Unless you're writing for complete computer
novices, don't describe _how_ to switch to another application or
window. The reader may not even like the method you describe, preferring
to use Alt-Tab. Just say, "In the Foo program's Bar tab, do X." 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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