Thanks for all of the responses. They were all over the board, from 
keeping the wording to getting rid of it, to changing the whole layout of 
the intro. to each procedure. Ultimately, the sugesstion I liked best was 

1. Open <X> application by double-clicking the <X> icon in the System
2. On the Fleeglemeister tab, do <whatever>...

That way, for your second step (which was the original question...), it
doesn't matter which tab is displayed. The user is cued to GET to that
tab, if they're not already on it so they can perform whatever's in the
rest of step 2.

Thanks again for all of the replies. It gave me alot to chew on and in the 
process, I learned some really nifty stuff and garnered some great ideas 
how to address other issues in this and other guides.

Thanks again,


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at

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