;- )

I think we all have been mislead by sales guys occasionally.
If you're making initial startup decisions for your company or
department though, you increase your risk substantially if you go
exclusively with any new product or technology.
Nobody ever got fired for recommending Microsoft, Sun, or IBM. Or Frame.

Bottom line is: Be conservative with your production system; go with
proven performers.  Feel free to experiment, of course -- I'm sure
many people on the list have already signed up for Blaze
alpha/betas/trials. Including Adobe employees. But I don't think
anyone's planning to make it their production system until they've
beaten on it for months or years. It's a new product from a relatively
new company, and many people don't have great product memories from
the Madcap principal's last company, RoboHelp.


On 8/17/06, AJ Coots <aj.coots at veris.com> wrote:
> Hardly a conviction...simply what the sales staff told me.
> I'm an babe-in-the-woods about all this. Just hoping for some guidance
> from the more experienced of you out there in cyber space.
> It looks like Flare is not very well known, even by it's own sales
> staff!
> A.J. Coots
> Documentation Specialist
> Portland, Oregon  97224-7756
> Direct: 503 597 0765
> Internal Ext. #515
> Email: aj.coots at veris.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Art Campbell [mailto:art.campbell at gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:18 PM
> To: AJ Coots
> Cc: jposada01 at yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: Framemaker vs. Flare
> AJ, perhaps you'd better tell Madcap about your conviction that Flare
> is their FM killer; they seem to have the wrong info on their www
> site....
> According to their www site, Flare is their help authoring tool. Help.
> Not books, XML, DITA. Just help. FM is a much more full-featured
> authoring environment that isn't designed just for help.
> And concerning Blaze:
> "MadCap Blaze(tm) - Your Frame Alternative
> Blaze is the latest product under development from MadCap Software.
> Scheduled for release early 2007, Blaze will be the ideal solution for
> easily producing very long documents for print-such as books, manuals
> and illustrated guides-using the latest technological advances
> available. For years, authors have had to choose between ease of use
> (e.g., Microsoft(r) Word(tm)) or the power to handle very large
> documents
> (e.g., Adobe(r) FrameMaker(r)). Now, with MadCap Blaze, authors have a
> complete package: ease of use, power to create long documents,
> flexibility, and an eye toward the future."
> Cheers,
> Art
> On 8/17/06, AJ Coots <aj.coots at veris.com> wrote:
> > Again...it's not Blaze it's Flare that is the contender with
> Framemaker.
> >

Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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