I seem to recall a posting that suggested that the problem may be 
caused by the book file retaining incorrect information about 
cross-references, not that the references themselves are unresolved. 
The fix I believe was to delete the old book file, make a new book 
file, and add the files to it.

>Hi Framers,
>FrameMaker 7.0p578/Windows XP Pro
>Every time I open a certain book in FrameMaker, I get three messages
>telling me that three of the files (out of 17) have unresolved cross-
>references and one message telling me that one of the referenced
>graphics in one of the files can't be found.
>Each time, I've gone into the chapters, searched for unresolved cross-
>references, and re-applied them. I've also deleted the graphic and
>inserted it again. The last time I opened the book, I even replaced
>every cross-reference in the three files, but I am still getting the
>same messages for the same files. All the other cross-references and
>graphics in all the other files are fine.
>Can anyone tell me why this is happening and what I can do about it?


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices
peter at knowhowpro.com

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