I'm not sure whetehr to call it a bug or not, but it's definitely a known 
problem.   Anytime there is a character font change in the text of a link in 
the FM file, the link ends at that point.  And of the text that includes the 
link does not completely define the destination, the link does not work in he 
PDF file.  It does not matter whether the link is automatically generated or 
manually created.  I've worked around that by manually inserting a link on the 
far side of the font change, but I don't know how to do it automatically.  
Shlomo might have something on his site about that, or email him directly at 
shlomo at microtype.com and ask.   

Hope this helps,

Diane Gaskill 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Rick Quatro <frameexpert at truevine.net>
>Sent: Jan 10, 2006 5:06 PM
>To: Joe Malin <jmalin at tuvox.com>, framers at FrameUsers.com
>Subject: Re: Odd bug printing FM to PDF
>As Fred says, this is designed behavior. See Chapter 19, "Hypertext and 
>View-Only Documents" of the User Guide, particularly the "Preparing areas 
>for becoming active" section. Reading this won't necessarily solve your 
>problem, but at least you will understand what is happening.
>Rick Quatro
>Carmen Publishing
>Seems like I've found an odd bug with hyperlinks from generated files
>when I "print" an unstructured FM book from FM 7.1 to PDF.
>I have found that when I print a FM book to PDF, the page numbers in the
>TOC and index are automatically converted to hyperlinks in the PDF. The
>text of the entry is also converted to a hyperlink. Thus, when I move my
>cursor over the entry or page number in the PDF file, it turns from a
>hand to a pointer.
>However, if the entry's text is not in the default paragraph format for
>the entry, this automatic conversion doesn't happen.
>For example, if I go to the TOC reference page and change (for example)
>the line for the chapter entries so that the page number has a "bold"
>character format, the entry is converted to a hyperlink but not the page
>number itself.
>So if I have the line
>(this line has the paragraph tag ChapterTitleTOC)
>and I select "<$pagenum>" and apply a character tag (say "Bold"), then
>the chapter entries in the TOC look fine, but the page numbers are
>converted to hyperlinks in the PDF. The *chapter* number and text are
>hyperlinks but not the *page* number.
>This also happens if I surround <$pagenum> with a <Bold> tag, for
><$paranum><$paratext><Bold><$pagenum><Default Para Font>
>This also happens in index entries.
>Anyone seen this before?
>TuVox, Inc.
>19050 Pruneridge Avenue Suite 150, Cupertino, CA 95014-0715
>Joe Malin
>Technical Writer
>jmalin at tuvox.com
>www.tuvox.com <http://www.tuvox.com/>
>The views expressed in this document are those of the sender, and do not
>necessarily reflect those of TuVox, Inc.
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