You can actually do this two different ways. You can either use two 
different series labels:

Numbered list N:<n=1> and N:<n+1>
Alpha list A:<a=1> and A:<a+1>

Or you can use 1 series label for this.

Numbered and alpha list:

to show numbers N:<n=1>.< > and N: <n+1>.< >
to show alpha N:< ><a=1>. and N:< ><a+1>.

Either way works.

Let me know if you need additional help

Ann Zdunczyk

----- Original Message -----
From: karyn hunt <>
Date: Monday, July 3, 2006 8:08 pm
Subject: I want a numbered list with alphabetized substeps
To: framers at

> Hi All,
>   I have a procedure with some substeps. I want to keep my 
> regular numbered 
> list (<n=1> and <n+>) if at all possible, and then add 
> alphabetized substeps 
> underneath (<a=1> and <a+>).
>   But every time I try this, the numbered list picks up on the 
> alphabetized 
> list and it throws the numbers off. For example: If my last 
> alphabetized 
> step was b (a=2), then the next number shows as 3 (even if it's 
> supposed to 
> be 6, or 7 or whatever) because one step after <a+>=2 is 3.
>   Is there any way to make the two operate independently of one 
> another 
> while still allowing the layout to utilize the entire width of the 
> page?
>   I think this has to do with setting up additional columns on 
> the master 
> page, but I've never done that before and don't know the 
> implications for my 
> layout (a very simple one).
> Karyn
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