Are you sure the element named Table is specified as
being of type table? If element Table is a container
type element, element Tgroup should be specified as
the element of type table, and container element Table
then produces the anchor paragraph for the table, and
the text format rules you describe are setting up the
format of that anchor paragraph.

If the element named Table is, in fact, the table type
element, then the table will be anchored to the end of
the text in the container element that precedes
element Table, and that's a lousy solution.

It is also a common (and in my view good) practice to
specify an ElementPgfFormatTag rule for each
non-text-range container element, because this stops
inheritance of paragraph formats from ancestor
elements. Ancestor format inheritance becomes
extremely messy when a container element appears in
many different contexts having many different ancestor
elements. When an ElementPgfFormatTag is specified for
each container element, you can then use text format
rules (all context or context type) to modify the base
paragraph format for each element in different
contexts without having to add innumerable paragraph
tags in your structured template. 

The advantage of this approach is that the number of
paragraph tags in your structured template can
typically be reduced to a dozen or so base paragraph
formats in which the main difference is the font (and
perhaps a few other immutable properties).
Consequently it is a relatively simple task to create
different versions of your structured template for
different types of deliverables or different
customer-required changes to the base set of paragraph
properties without having to change youre EDD. 

To further simplify the EDD, most context rules for
individual container elements should reference format
change lists which are grouped into titled categories
at the end of the EDD. This permits a single format
change list to be used to implement parts of the
formatting for many different context rules in many
different elements. Moreover, a complex set of
formatting requirements for a particular element in a
particular context can be built up from two or more
referenced format change lists.    
--- Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <bodvar at> wrote:

> I am NOT asking for a solution. NO help needed, only
> curious about the issue.
> I am working with some [legacy]  documents from
> another company and I
> have come across something weird in the EDD:
> There is a table definition that sets the text
> formats like this:
> Text format rules
>   In all contexts.
>     Basic properties
>       Paragraph spacing
>         Space below: -2.0 pt
>       Line spacing
>         Height: 3.0 pt
>       Default font properties
>         Size: 2.0 pt
> This to me looks like what you would set as a
> *paragraph tag for
> anchoring*, but this is actually a Table type
> element.
> In the original, all text is formatted in the
> "normal" way as the rest
> of the document, but this is only because of one of
> the peculiarities
> of the legacy EDD, which is that for every text
> element there is a
> TextFormatRules setting of ElementPgfFormatTag:
> Body, which is the
> thing that overrides this in the table cells (and
> the annoying setting
> that I have removed from most of the elements in my
> adaption of the
> EDD).
> So does anyone know whether there has been mad a
> change here in the
> paragraph formatting of a TABLE element between FM 7
> and older?
> Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
> Supervisor Publications
> Air Atlanta Icelandic
> Flight Support
> _______________________________________________

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
<danemory7224 at>

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