
I hope someone has an idea on this. I've narrowed down a crashing problem to
one line of text in a file. It's a full Windows path with back slashes in
it. No matter what I've tried, Frame crashes when spell check comes to this

Here's what I've tried:

- Wash Via MIF (thanks for that easy tool, Jeremy)

- Copy the errant line into Note Pad, then paste back into FM

- Retype the line in Note Pad, then paste into FM

No dice. Even if the line is the only text in a new FM file, FM crashes when
I click Start Checking.

Any ideas? I can't remove the line of text from the content. :o

I'm not sharing the line here, as I'm about 2 steps removed from the end
client and the line has two different product names in it. I'll share it
privately if anyone has any idea to try, just beware of crashing.

Linda G. Gallagher
TechCom Plus, LLC
Intelligent technical communication since 1993
Technical writing, help development,
FrameMaker and WebWorks Publisher conversions
lindag at
Manager, Consulting and Independent Contracting
Special Interest Group
Society for Technical Communication

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