We've been using captions above but want to go away from them. In our case, 
almost all figures have a lead-in paragraph, so using a caption can be very 
repetitive and breaks the flow. So we're going to be putting block labels by 
the lead-in paragraph and cross-referencing to them. That means people can see 
the text they need, as well as the diagram.

Cheers, Rebecca

At 8:16 AM -0700 5/30/06, Don and Judy wrote:
>Greetings, all:
>I have discovered a problem when generating PDF's from my illustrated book.
>Ignorant of proper frame technique at the outset, I created anchored frames
>through importing graphics and captioned them with a separate paragraph
>immediately following the anchored frame. These captions are numbered and
>cross referred to occasionally in the text.
>The cross references function fine in the generated PDF files except for one
>small detail.
>When the link is clicked, Adobe Reader pops the linked text to the top of
>the viewing page, exactly at the top, so that the illustration is up and out
>of view. All that is visible is the caption text at the very top line. The
>reader must scroll upward to see the picture.
>In my experiments to cure this problem and allow the illustration to come
>into view when the link is clicked, I have used tables with the caption
>beneath. The result is the same. Only when the caption is placed ABOVE THE
>ILLUSTRATION, whether with a table inclusion or just by formatting as the
>caption that paragraph mark to which the frame is anchored, can I get the
>PDF to show the illustration with the link.
>I don't really mind this work-around, except that placing a caption above an
>illustration is very nonstandard and may require an explanation in the

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